
AA87222AP Datasheet, Agamem Microelectronic

AA87222AP driver equivalent, ccd vertical driver.

AA87222AP Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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AA87222AP Datasheet

Features and benefits

z 3 levels of output voltage, 15V, 0V and -8.5V z 3.3V / 5V input voltage
* DESCRIPTION AA87222AP is a vertical driver with 3 levels of output voltage processed in a.


AA87222AP is a vertical driver with 3 levels of output voltage processed in a standard CMOS.
* PIN ASSIGNMENT & BLOCK DIAGRAM 1 GND 2 XSUB 3 XV2 4 XV1 5 XSG1 6 XV3 7 XSG3 8 XV4 16 VHH 15 VSUB 14 VEE 13 OV2 12 OV1 11 VME 10 OV3 9 OV4 1 2006/7.

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